Choosing Pots So that Plants Grow Perfectly


Based on the material you choose, there are many different sizes. This size is measured from the diameter of the circumference of the surface. However, you should not just choose the size for the plant. Size is also an important thing to consider because if the pot is too small, the plant will quickly root and the soil will not be able to hold moisture. While a pot that is too big will make the plant spend energy on developing roots, so it doesn't grow enough.

The trick is to adjust the shape and type of roots of the plants to be potted. Reporting from according to the Service shallow rooted plants such as lettuce, peppers, and other annuals need a diameter pot. Larger containers are needed for perennials such as palms, anthuriums, monstera, and so on. While small pots are suitable for succulents and mini cacti.

Soil that is moist will be heavier than when it is dry. If your own pot is too heavy, this will make it difficult for you to move the plant to another location. Especially if you garden on the balcony or plants that are often moved outside to get a few hours of sunlight. Therefore, you need to consider the weight of the pot before placing the type of plant. You are advised to consider the total weight (soil+pot+plant+water). Plastic pots usually have a lighter weight.